​The Optimal Program develops resilient, positive and cohesive staff and leadership teams, to promote optimal organizational performance and wellbeing.
Individual coaching, before and after a dynamic group workshop, and ongoing post program mentoring provide an engaging and transformative learning and development experience.
The program draws on the evidence-based 6C Mental Resilience concept, developing a resilient and positive mindset, supportive relationships, empowering self-awareness, and motivating perspective and goal focus.
Outcomes and Benefits
Participants of the Optimal Program will:
Be more resilient, positive and confident, leading to improvements in performance, positive behavior and workplace relationships.
Be more capable and confident when giving and receiving feedback in the team.
Experience improvements in mental focus on tasks and longer term commitments.
Become more self-aware and emotionally intelligent, and less likely to overreact.
Be more supportive, collaborative and professional when working with colleagues.
Experience better sleep, maintain better self-care and higher levels of positivity.
Experience a greater sense of meaning and purpose in work, and life in general.